Label: Soundset Recordings
Item Number: SR1169
Format: Download
Year Recorded: 2024
Duo Entre-Nous
Jackie Glazier - Clarinet
Don-Paul Kahl - Saxophone
  • Playlist
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  • Details
Las Dolly Sisters01.Gabriela Ortiz: Las Dolly Sisters   8:23
Colin I. Nossek: I think this is a ghost story
Solo: I saw a ghost…02.I. Solo: I saw a ghost…   3:49
Duet: the treasure yours03.II. Duet: the treasure yours   8:32
Solo: … and it wore my face04.III. Solo: … and it wore my face   3:45
Prométhium05.Michel Lysight: Prométhium   5:31
like a whisper, like a rope06.Megan DiGeorgio: like a whisper, like a rope   13:16
Molly Joyce: Unity
Fun and Peppy07.I. Fun and Peppy   5:32
Groovy and Driving08.II. Groovy and Driving   3:48
Joel Love: Éléments
Terre09.I. Terre   4:02
Vent10.II. Vent   5:11
Feu11.III. Feu   3:43
Total Playing Time: 1:05:32


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Duo Entre-Nous: