Linda Dusman: "i need no words"With: Adam Kent, Airi Yoshioka, E. Michael Richards, Jane Ri... |
lines color & form: music of bryan johansonLuke Trimble & Matthew Keating |
Liszt: The Poet InspiredDerek Parsons |
Live Flute RecitalWith: Donald Peck, Melody Lord |
Live in ConcertWith: Danwen Jiang, Walter Cosand |
Live In Concert 2009With: All Star Brass, Ryan Anthony, Martin Hackleman, Patric... |
Live In Concert 2010With: All Star Brass, Jens Lindemann, Sam Pilafian, Martin H... |
Live In Concert 2011With: All Star Brass, Martin Hackleman, Mark Gould, Jens Lin... |
Live In Concert, Recording 125With: University of Illinois Bands, James F. Keene |
Live In Concert, Recording 126With: University of Illinois Bands, James F. Keene |
Live In Concert, Recording 127With: University of Illinois Bands, James F. Keene |
Live In Concert, Recording 129With: University of Illinois Bands, James F. Keene | | 1 2 3 |
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