
New Music Series, Vol. 4
With: Sarah Vertrees, Juistin Pollak, Jose Berrones, Susanna...
The Contemporary Saxophone
With: Marilyn Shrude, John Sampen
Thomas DeLio: Selected Compositions (1972-2015)
With: Thomas DeLio, Aleck Karis, Steven Schick, John Fonvill...
Non Acoustic Symphony
With: Dariusz Mazurowski
An Illusion of Desire: Experimental Music by Christopher Shultis 1988-1992
With: Crossing 32nd Street, Douglas Nottingham, LINKS Ensemb...
Electro Acoustic Music 1
With: Anssi Kartunnen, E. Michael Richards
Xenakis / Ravel
With: Marc Ponthus
Roger Reynolds: Last Things, I Think, To Think About
With: Roger Reynolds, Philip Larson, Aleck Karis, John Ashbe...
Three Circuitous Paths to the Music of Roger Reynolds
With: Harvey Sollerger, Jesse Levine, June in Buffalo Ensemb...
Contemporary Flute Music
With: Jean-Charles Francois, Pierre-Yves Artaud
Richard Karpen: Aperture II & Elliptic
With: JACK Quartet, Six Tones
With: Jill Felber, Betty Oberacker, Jeremy Haladyna, Claudia...
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