Verederos: In CommonWith: Payton MacDonald, Jessica Johnson |
Paul Hindemith: Sonatas for Brass Instruments and PianoWith: Harry Sargous, Anton Nel, Bryan Kennedy, Charles Daval... |
The Piano Rags of William AlbrightNicola (Nikki) Melville |
Michael Colgrass: Percussion Music 1951-1957With: Patrick Roulet, Michelle Humphreys, Megan Yanik, Mark ... |
Over the MoonWith: Michael Udow, David Tolen, Nancy Udow, Daniel DeSena |
The Shattered MirrorWith: Michael Udow, The University of Michigan Percussion En... |
PoeticsWith: University of Michigan Symphony Band, Michael Haithcoc... |
Flute and Piano Music by Italian ComposersWith: Karl Kraber, Michael Rogers |
Morse Code (more than . . . )With: Michael Sammons, Viktor Valkov, Keith Carrick, Jason N... |
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