
Fantasy Pieces: The Music of Robert Schumann
With: Matthew Tracy, Yu-Ling Chen
Flute Sonatas from the Italian Baroque
With: Karl Kraber, Philip Gottling, Peter Kairoff
With: The Ambassador Duo, Clifford Leaman, Derek Parsons
Historical Commentary with Dr. Penelope Fischer
Amy Porter
With: Jeremy Justeson, Carla McElhaney
Raise the Roof
With: University of Michigan Symphony Band, Michael Haithcoc...
Karg-Elert: 30 Caprices for Flute (with Study Guide)
Amy Porter
Sole Nero: Musica per Due
With: Anthony Di Sanza, Jessica Johnson
With: John Pennington, Cyprian Consiglio
Telemann - 12 Fantasias for Flute without Bass: A Study Guide with Amy Porter
Amy Porter
biNg bang plays lešnik
With: Igor Lešnik, biNg bang: Jeunesses Musicales Croatia, ...
Brooklyn Bridge
With: University of Michigan Symphony Band, Michael Haithcoc...
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