
Songs from a Silent Land
With: Michael Daugherty, Hila Plitmann, Louisiana State Univ...
The Avenging Spirit
With: SAGA Quartet, Andrew J. Allen, Matthew Tracy, Gregory ...
With: Alan Siebert, Philip Tietze, Sandra Rivers, Joshua Nem...
With: Celeste Johnson, Michael Gordon, Sean Chen
Old News: New Music for Trumpet and Percussion
With: John Pennington, Stephen Dunn
Stories and Sanctuaries
With: UNCG Wind Ensemble, John R. Locke, Kevin M. Geraldi, T...
I Carry Your Heart: Songs for Soprano and Piano
With: Andy Francis, Amy Yekel, Merewyn Weinkauf
Step Inside: New American Music for Saxophone and Percussion
Rogue Two
Mass Observation
With: University of Michigan, Jerry Blackstone, Jonathan Ova...
Dreams of the Spirit
With: Linda Maxey, Galaxy Percussion, The Michigan Singers, ...
Pine Chant
With: Arizona Wind Quintet, Sara Fraker, Jackie Glazier, Mar...
Tollan: Mexican Works for Oboe
With: Jonathan Thompson, Talar Khosdeghian
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