
New Music Series, Vol. 2
With: Joan Heller, Pierre-Yves Artaud, Arthur Haas, Dorothy ...
New Music Series, Vol. 4
With: Sarah Vertrees, Juistin Pollak, Jose Berrones, Susanna...
The Contemporary Saxophone
With: Marilyn Shrude, John Sampen
With: Jean DeMart, Various Artists
Roger Reynolds: Last Things, I Think, To Think About
With: Roger Reynolds, Philip Larson, Aleck Karis, John Ashbe...
Xenakis / Ravel
With: Marc Ponthus
Three Circuitous Paths to the Music of Roger Reynolds
With: Harvey Sollerger, Jesse Levine, June in Buffalo Ensemb...
Contemporary Flute Music
With: Jean-Charles Francois, Pierre-Yves Artaud
The Now and Present Flute
With: Patricia Spencer, Linda Hall
the imagE-imAge set
With: Rachel Beetz, Alexis Descharmes, Mark Menzies, John Pi...
With: Dean Anderson
Electro Acoustic Music VII
  28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37   

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