Music For Chamber EnsembleWith: The Boston Musica Viva, Richard Pittman |
Making a Song and DanceWith: Elizabeth Bennett, Christopher Blake, Paul Schumann, S... |
Electro Acoustic Music 1With: Anssi Kartunnen, E. Michael Richards |
Richard Karpen: Nam Mái / StrandlinesWith: Stefan Ostersjo, The Six Tones, Seattle Symphony |
New Music Series, Vol. 2With: Joan Heller, Pierre-Yves Artaud, Arthur Haas, Dorothy ... |
New Music Series, Vol. 4With: Sarah Vertrees, Juistin Pollak, Jose Berrones, Susanna... |
Svara-YantraWith: Joanna Kurkowicz, Samir Chatterjee, National Polish Ra... |
The Contemporary SaxophoneWith: Marilyn Shrude, John Sampen |
Zawa!With: Jill Felber, Betty Oberacker, Jeremy Haladyna, Claudia... |
Xenakis / RavelWith: Marc Ponthus |
RarefactionsWith: Jane Rigler, Shoko Nagai, Janet Feder, Satoshi Takeish... | | 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 |
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