
With: Michael Udow, Various Artists
Gene Koshinski
Shared Spaces
With: John Beck, Varius Artists
With: RoseWind Duo, Clifford Leaman, Scott Herring
Border Crossing
With: Michael Udow, The University of Michigan Percussion En...
biNg bang plays lešnik
With: Igor Lešnik, biNg bang: Jeunesses Musicales Croatia, ...
Over the Moon
With: Michael Udow, David Tolen, Nancy Udow, Daniel DeSena
The Shattered Mirror
With: Michael Udow, The University of Michigan Percussion En...
The Contemporary Percussionist
With: Michael Udow, David Endahl, David Tolen, Jeremy Church...
Beaming Music: Organized Rhythm
With: Joseph Gramley, Clive Driskill-Smith
Morse Code (more than . . . )
With: Michael Sammons, Viktor Valkov, Keith Carrick, Jason N...
Distant Visions
With: Brian Bevelander, Jason Lim, The Nova Ensemble, John S...
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Classical Sub Genres